Retaining walls have the ability to bring a typical and simple looking backyard completely to life. When utilized properly, they can not only make a backyard look sleek and aesthetically pleasing, but they can also make for an enjoyable and useful entertainment space.
Before choosing a design for your Needham, MA, backyard, remember to consider a few key points. Retaining walls are somewhat of a long-term investment and will provide benefits for years to come. When deciding on a location and layout - if it isn’t structurally required by the landscape - make sure you feel totally certain of what you have decided with your Wenzel Landscaping contractor. It’s also important that quality materials that will maintain their aesthetic appearance and match the theme of your backyard are used. This is something that a Wenzel Landscaping contractor will ensure.
Keeping these things in mind, here are 3 ways to use retaining walls in your backyard design:
Use the Wall to Your Functional Advantage
Retaining walls are primarily used to hold back soil, along with plants and shrubbery, but why not utilize the wall for more?
Consider incorporating a fireplace or even an outdoor grill into the wall too. This can add a level of sophistication to an otherwise simple structure. It can also provide you with a multi-functional space that feels warm and welcoming, while still holding true to its original purpose.
Retaining Wall Needham MA for Backyard Design
Keep the Design Creative
Sure, retaining walls look sleek when they’re perfectly straight, to form those sharp corners and edges, but they don’t always have to have a rigid design.
Consider curved walls to create depth and variety in your backyard. Maybe even include alternating heights in your design if you’re thinking of have multiple detached retaining walls built. Curved retaining walls can meander through your backyard along naturally occuring contours, contributing to a landscape aesthetic that is fluid and dynamic. Straight lines and curves can be combined to allow a good balance of structure and natural appeal. This can be especially effective as part of an arc and tangent design theme.
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There are countless ideas to make your wall stand out, but whatever you decide on doing, a Wenzel Landscaping contractor ensure that the design is kept creative.
Consider Size
Not only is it important to determine the size of your retaining wall, but also the size of the space it’s being put into.
Become familiar with the dimensions of your backyard. Consider what types of designs might do a better job of showcasing and accentuating the amount of space you have, rather than completely dominating it.
If your backyard is smaller and more closed off, you’ll want to avoid taller, larger, and/or thicker retaining walls that could overthrow the feel of your backyard. Likewise, you’ll want to get especially creative and utilize your space to the fullest if you have a large, open backyard.
The good thing about all of this is that there is a great deal of potential and variety for retaining walls in a backyard of any size.